
The Inland Northwest Masters Swimming Committee’s (IWMSC) governance provides the processes, rules, norms, expectations, and actions adhered to by this organization as defined on this page.

Links provided in each description are PDF files that will open a new tab.


The guiding principles and precedents established to govern the IWMSC.


The specific rules adopted by the IWMSC for the government of its members and the regulation of its affairs.

Standing Rules & Policies

The IWMSC is governed by and shall adhere to current USMS rules and policies. In addition, the IWMSC shall be administered according to rules and policies developed and approved by the Board of Managers.It is responsible for communicating those rules and policies to its member clubs/teams and ensuring within reason their adherence.


Inland NW Masters sanctions meets, open water swims and clinics held within the boundaries of the LMSC. Sanctioning means that event hosts will maintain a specific standard of quality, particularly for meets where records are established. In addition, sanctioning also requires event hosts to maintain a specific standard for safety.

Before any Inland NW Masters group can host an event other than a regularly scheduled workout, a sanction must be obtained from the meets and sanctioning chair. To obtain a Inland NW Masters sanction, contact the Meets and Sanctions chair found on the LMSC Board page (Under Appointed Positions)