The Board of Managers shall consist of the Chair, Immediate Past Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Registrar, plus one representative from each eligible local club and each team within the regional club duly registered and the Chair of each standing committee.
The Board shall be responsible for:
- determining the direction and focus of the organization
- executing the fiscal expenditures of the organization
- determining the yearly meet schedule
- conducting the business of the organization on behalf of its members
- publishing its newsletter
The Board shall also establish those standing and special committees it requires to conduct the organization’s business.
Elected Positions
Position | Contact | Association |
Chair | Rob Heath 510-504-0309 boatyme@hotmail.com | SCM |
Vice-Chair | Mike Hamm 208-765-1575 swimdude41@aol.com | KM |
Secretary | Brian Johnson | MCM |
Treasurer | Wes Bratton wbratton7@gmail.com | TCAS |
Past Chair | Matthew Bronson 509-389-5108 gr8white1965@yahoo.comt | KM |
Appointed Positions
Position | Contact | Association |
Registrar | Sean Murphy 509-783-0765 kennewick.murphy@gmail.com | TCAS |
Top Ten Chair | Margaret Hair | LCNM |
Sanction Chair | Paige Buehler 208-892-1328 paige@galacticnorth.net | MCM |
Newsletter Chair | Paige Buehler 208-892-1328 paige@galacticnorth.net | MCM |
Coaches Chair | Mike Hamm 208-765-1575 swimdude41@aol.com | KM |
Officials Chair | Wes Bratton 509-628-8190 wbratton7@gmail.com | TCAS |
ALTS Coordinator | Gloria Waggoner gwagg@roadrunner.com | KM |
Webmaster | Dave Cabrey inwmweb@gmail.com | TCAS |